A járvány óta először láthattuk együtt a királyi családot

Hagyományosan november 8-án a királyi család tagjai az elesett katonák emléke előtt tisztelegnek.

Idén sok eseményt elhalasztottak a járvány miatt, de Remembrance Day hagyományos felvonulását megtartották. A királyi család tagjait pedig először láthattuk együtt. Az eseményen részt vett Vilmos herceg, Katalin hercegné, Károly herceg és Kamilla, valamint II. Erzsébet királynő is. 

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On #RemembranceSunday The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined The Queen and Members of the Royal Family for the annual Remembrance Day Service at The Cenotaph. This year the @RoyalBritishLegion encouraged us all to to take to our windows and doorsteps for a two minutes’ silence at 11am on Sunday November 8, to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom. Swipe to see more from across the UK: Image 3: Merchant Navy veteran Bill Bennett, 94, wears his medals whilst at his home in Kidderminster. Image 4: D-Day veteran Jim Healy, 95, from Manchester. Jim was a Corporal in the Royal Marines and was coxswain of a landing craft assault on June 6, 1944. Image 5: Veteran Charlie MacVicar, who served for 23 years with the Royal Scots, at the Royal British Legion Remembrance Garden in Grangemouth. Image 6: A camera phone is set up to film and live-stream a closed and socially distanced remembrance service at Exeter Cathedral. Image 7: Seymour 'Bill' Taylor, 95, from Colchester in Essex, who served as an Able Seaman in the Royal Navy onboard HMS Emerald during the D-Day landings joins neighbours in the street to observe the two minutes silence. Image 8: The National Memorial Arboretum, where a virtual Act of Remembrance from the Armed Forces Memorial was broadcast online.

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