2019.10.08. Italiano
Kate Hudson büszkén osztotta meg az elmúlt év több, mint tíz kilós fogyását.
Kate Hudson soha nem volt boldogabb, mint mostanában, mióta egészségesen étkezik és rendszeresen sportol. Abszolút elégedett az életével,
imádja a férjét, három gyerekével a lehető legjobb a kapcsolata,
A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon
So excited for my friends and their new company! Also to be 38 and loved up like this this morning felt really nice 😄 #Repost @thekitundergarments ・・・ Kate Hudson Age 38 @katehudson is one of the most confident, authentic, and positive women I know. She's a mother, a businesswoman, a friend, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, and to me, she’s always been a shoulder to lean on. Kate and I were pregnant at the same time—our kids are 3 days apart. She guided me through my entire pregnancy, serving as my best sounding board, and always gave me such great advice. She was there when my son was born. In the hospital, she taught me how to breastfeed. She’s that friend that pushes you to do better and be better even when you want to give up. We workout together, we go on adventures together, and through it all, I admire her every step, because she’s someone who’s grateful for all that her body does for her. So she eats well, she exercises, and more than anything, she loves herself. And she’s teaching her own kids how to love themselves, too. She’s constantly doing, pushing herself, and looking at the world in the most beautiful way—open to love and all the endless possibilities that life, and love, have to offer. Kate’s self-love inspires me, and continues to inspire us at The KiT. xo Jamie Kate is wearing the Classic Demi Bra in Forget Me Not and the Tap Short in Cinnamon. #KitstoKickCancer @wcrfcure
Kate Hudson (@katehudson) által megosztott bejegyzés, Okt 7., 2019, időpont: 8:53 (PDT időzóna szerint)
végre van idejük közös programokra, és a kicsi Ramy Rose is elmúlt egyéves, vagyis egyre egyszerűbb vele is. Látszik, hogy
Kate Hudson elemében van , és ledobott egy tízest a kicsi születése óta.