2019.11.22. Ester
Melissa Ostroth szoptatási tanácsadó és kétgyerekes anyuka azzal vált a népharag célpontjává, hogy négyéves kislányáról szopizós képet töltött fel.
A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon
Hey working mom I’m not one of you, and I wont pretend that I am, but I want to salute you. I think about what your mornings must be like. You try to get up before the kids get up so you can drink your cup of coffee and get ready before anyone wakes up, but you can’t. You are too exhausted from the day before, and just a little bit more of shut eye, while your mind races thinking of all the things you need to get ready for everyone, is at least giving your body some rest. Your second alarm goes off or you child wakes you up and you immediately jump out of bed. There are so many things to do before you leave the house. You need to feed your children, pack their lunches, and somehow get yourself ready all at the same time. Of course no one knows where their shoes are, everyone’s moving in slow motion, and your worried if you’re late again your boss will be mad. Every time you leave yours kids with a caretaker you get a tiny pit in your stomach. You feel a little guilty and a 100 things go through your mind. “Will they miss me like I miss them?” “Do they cry when I drive away just like I do?” “Do they think about me all day long like I think of them?” “Are they just as excited to see me as I’m excited to seem?” I imagine about some of things you might worry about. “I need to pump but I’m afraid my co worker or boss will get mad again.” “Am I pumping enough milk?” “Is the caregiver properly feeding my child my pumped milk?” “Are they picking them up as soon as they cry?” I picture your drive home. How the stress of your day has exhausted you but the excitement of seeing your child pumps you full of adrenaline. As soon as your child sees you they give you the biggest smile, and the excitement you see in their eyes immediately wipes away all the doubt and worry’s you had during the day. At night you lay feeding your child, looking at them, and soaking in this moment. You’re not looking forward to the morning because that means you have to go through all the emotions all over again, but you do it. So thank you working moms and we praise you for all that you do. #milkitivity ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • #mom_hub#picoftheday#honestmotherhood
Melissa Ostroth (@milkitivity_) által megosztott bejegyzés, Jún 5., 2019, időpont: 12:45 (PDT időzóna szerint)
Ostroth saját bevallása szerint motivációnak szánta a képeit, amelyeken a kétéves pici mellett a négyéves is cicizett, de sokan ezt képtelenek voltak feldolgozni. Volt, aki azt mondta, ez undorító, más gyermekmolesztálást és gyámügyet emlegetett, de olyan is akadt, aki halálosan megfenyegette az ohioi anyukát.
Mivel az USA-ban csak hat hét szülési szabadság jár, s a leginkább családbarát cégek is legfeljebb 3 hónapot adnak, sokan arrafelé el sem kezdenek szoptatni. A cumis-cumisüveges piktogramok hatására az embereket kevéssé lepi meg, ha a játszótéren cumizó négyéveseket látnak, mintha ennek természetes alternatívájával találkoznának.