Eső után festménybe borulnak a szöuli járdák

Szöulban vannak olyan utcai festmények is, amik csak esőben válnak láthatóvá.

A koreai utcák színpompássá válnak, amint jön egy kis eső. 2015-ben a chicago-i School of the Art Institute különös felkérést kapott Dél-Koreából: Szöul utcáira kellett olyan alkotásokat tervezni, melyeket az eső kelt életre - írja a Nuus.

A Monszun projekt névre keresztelt akció

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

⁣The Ihwa-dong mural village in Seoul is an initiative to reinvigorate a small, low socio-economic “moon village.” ⁣ ⁣ Whether you agree with government commissioned street art projects or not, the initiative worked, and tourists made the trek up the mountain in droves to explore the range of works. ⁣ ⁣ As encouraging and self-reinforcing as this success is in terms of the power of street art, it also provokes some serious questions about what impact it can have on residents when the artists leave and they are left with the residue of too many strangers in their home disrupting their life, other artists tagging the bandwagon, and the initial positive resonance souring. ⁣ ⁣ One of the most famous works, seen here in image 1, was painted over with grey paint (image 2) by some disgruntled residents in the middle of the night. A few nights later, others followed suit covering a staircase tiled with bright flowers. It’s clear the grey paint is a muting of wonderful possibilities, but with purpose and a message.⁣ ⁣ Other residents were upset by this action, which resulted in a drop of tourism and therefore income. ⁣ ⁣ Disruption, but not in the way all of us hoping to make great change at street level, aim for.⁣ ⁣ This is actually an issue many of us here at MG struggle with a LOT. How can we include the community as much as possible to avoid things like this? To make an initiative like this a collaborate process and not a forced experience that is simply using a space as a canvas for our own egos.⁣ ⁣ Would love any thoughts any of you have on this as we continue our discussion! ⁣ ⁣ More images from the village in our story. ⁣ ⁣ Image 1: Zannah⁣ Image 2: @microgalleries

Micro Galleries (@microgalleries) által megosztott bejegyzés,

során a kreatív csapat vízérzékeny festékkel vonta be az úttestet és járdákat. Így most, ha megérkezik a hetekig tartó, heves esőzés, akkor a szürke és lehangoló város hangulatát feldobja pár festmény.

 A többi képet nézd meg a Nuuson!

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