Ezt nem láttuk jönni, egy 80+os tajvani párocska diktálja a divatot

A koros Instagram-sztárok saját mosodát üzemeltetnek.

Wanji és Sho-er fiatalnak akar tűnni, ezért indították el Want Show As Young címmel közös Instagram-oldalukat.

A tajvani párocska igencsak benne van a korban: mindketten a nyolcvanas éveiket tapossák.

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這不是要說阿公在模仿年輕時看小姐的樣子! 而是一個有點悲傷,關於布達佩斯旅遊紀念T被遺棄的故事...身上的衣服,來自被放了至少8年以上的T恤區,衣服上面寫著布達佩斯,而這位客人一共送洗了五件,分別是黑白灰黃紅,除非他真的很愛這一件T恤的款式,不然一定是一家人出遊時買的吧?但...就是洗了沒有來拿,不知道他們一家的記憶中是否還有布達佩斯。 👴🏼萬吉 上衣:至少8年布達佩斯紀念T 褲子:至少3年以上未取UQ卡其褲 👵🏼秀娥 領巾:兩條被遺棄的手帕綁成 上衣:至少8年布達佩斯紀念T 裙子:阿嬤30年私服 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap @uniqlo_ootd #converse @converse #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #ynet #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage

A post shared by 萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung) on

Mindössze 19 posztot tettek eddig közzé, ám máris komoly inspirációt jelentenek az online divatvilágban. A saját vállalkozásukban felgyűlő talált tárgyak, ruhadarabok felpróbálgatásából indult a projekt. 

Chuck Taylor-cipőkkel kombinálnak vagány kendőket és sapkákat, rocker pólókat, illetve zakókat. Unokájuk, Reef áll a kezdeményezés mögött:

Ők egy nagyon cuki házaspár, akik már 60 éve vannak együtt.

A Wansho nevű mosoda, ahol a képek készültek, pedig 70 éve üzemel.

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大家再稍等幾天!萬吉的手康復中🙏🏼 想問一個問題,這裡是秀娥👵🏼粉比較多,還是萬吉👴🏼粉比較多呢? 最近萬吉似乎發現秀娥粉比較多,就一直在拿以前照片出來,證明以前很帥,然後秀娥也不甘示弱,找了一堆年輕出去玩的照片😂 👴🏼萬吉 上衣:主人已領取 褲子:萬吉私服—洗衣服時穿的工作褲 👵🏼秀娥 上衣:5年以上未取女白T 外套:2年以上未取Adidas 棒球外套 褲子:阿嬤私服,年代自己都忘了 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents - _ #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage #古着 #コーディネート

A post shared by 萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung) on

Ekkor a papa 14 éves volt. Az oldalt az unoka azért hozta létre, mert az idősek nagyon unatkoztak, és kezdtek teljesen befordulni.

Komolyan aggódtam értük, muszáj volt valamit tennem.

idézi a Harpers Bazaar a lelkes rokont.

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100,000 Followers!!!! 100k❤️ 沒想到在50,000 Followers感謝過後的下一張就是100,000Followers的感謝!真的很感謝大家的喜歡,萬吉👴🏼和秀娥👵🏼都還沒反應過來什麼叫做10萬人訂他們的「報紙」,更不是很懂什麼叫做「爆紅」!秀娥只有發現出門去商店時有人叫出他們的名字,但是秀娥對他說「我不認識你,你怎麼知道我的?!」 更不用説當他們聽到裡面超過50,000位以上的訂戶還是來自外國的驚訝!弄不懂到底為什麼會被外國的朋友看到!我跟他們說「現在你們就想像成,你在世界上多了很多喜歡你們的孫子和孫女好了!」 也要跟大家說聲抱歉,有好多好多的訊息和留言,我(孫子)很努力的想每一則都好好看過,或許我沒有辦法每一則都完整的回覆,也可能拖了一陣時間,但真的很希望大家知道我的感謝,因為如果沒有大家的喜歡,萬吉和秀娥也不會在這兩個禮拜完全的展現出他們的開朗! 100K Followers!!!!❤️ Never thought that, what comes right after our 50k post would be our 100k post to show you how thankful I am. I really want to show my gratitude to everyone who likes them! Wan-Ji & Sho-Er haven't entirely understood the idea of “100K people are subscribing to their newspaper”, not to mention what’s the idea of “go viral” is. Sho-Er was a little surprised but also very confused. When she went for grocery shopping, people on the street recognized her and called her name. She said, “ I don’t know you, why you know my name?” They don’t know how is this even possible, over 50,000 followers are from other countries! I told them “Just try to imagine it this way, you’ve got many grandsons and granddaughters who also love you all over the world! “ Also, I would like to apologize, cause there have been many people sending their love by comments or messages, but I can’t reply them all. I really hope I can reply everyone of you. Just want to let everyone know that because of your love, they have been so energetic and happy in the past two weeks!! #萬秀洗衣店 #萬秀的洗衣店 #wantshowasyoung #grandparents - - - _ #mixandmatch #clothes #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #grandma #grandpa #femmefuture #classyvision #vintage #古着 #コーディネート #love #laundry #outfits

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