Hogy mi?! Kylie és Kendall Jenner nem fizetne a nekik dolgozóknak?

Nem volna szép, pont a milliárdos szépségmogultól.

Kylie és Kendall Jenner közös divatcége Ázsiában is dolgoztat, ahol állítólag elmulasztottak fizetést adni a gyári alkalmazottaiknak. A Kendall + Kylie címkés mundér becsületén nem eshet folt, így a tesók közös közleményt tettek fel Instagramra:

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Muszáj reagálnunk a rosszindulatú pletykára, miszerint a Global Brands Group birtokolná a Kendall + Kylie márkát, és így mi volnánk azok, akik nem fizettünk a bangladesi dolgozóinknak a járvány idején.

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REPOSTING because we couldn’t edit the original any further and y’all seemed to get a kick out of Kylie juxtaposed with “Former ‘billionaire’” lol. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We’ve been contacted by reps from @kendallandkylie who’ve refuted the allegations that the brand is not paying its factories, as reported in multiple media outlets over the last week. They stated the following in an e-mail: “The brand is owned by 3072541 Canada Inc. not GBG and we are not currently producing in Bangladesh using Global Brands Group.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ As of now, Global Brands Group still lists Kendall + Kylie under their “Brands” section on their website. It’s unclear at what point they may have changed licensees and manufacturers. A quick search of 3072541 Canada Inc. led to a closed business page, but searching in conjunction with “Kendall and Kylie” you’ll find ties to the brand. Some early press from 2015, and some 2018 legal filings from a lawsuit filed by a photographer against the sisters for using Tupac Shakur’s image—remember that? Never forget that they printed their own faces and logos over photos of deceased iconic musicians and tried to charge $125 for them lol, but anyways… ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We’re awaiting comment from Mostafiz Uddin, a manufacturer for Global Brands who has been very vocal in the news the past week about his cancelled orders. Dieters, what are your thoughts? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ • #kendallandkylie #kendallxkylie #kyliejenner #payup #kendalljenner #kylieskin #kyliecosmetics #highgloss #dietprada

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A ReMake oldalról terjedt el a hír, miszerint a Global Brands Group február és január folyamán bér nélkül hagyta a munkásait. A GBG egészen június 23-ig szerepeltette a partnerei közt a lányok brandjét, ám a Jennerek tagadják a szoros együttműködést.

Nem igaz: a mi márkánkat a 3072541 Canada Inc., birtokolja. Korábban a terjesztésben és az üzlet-fejlesztésben működtünk együtt a CAA-GBG-vel. Nehéz időket élünk, amit a teljes ipar és a sok ruházati dolgozó szintén megérez. Ám mi továbbra is támogatjuk a partnereink alkalmazottait is. A világ számos pontjáról dolgoznak be nekünk, de nem érkezett panasz egyik helyről sem.

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/ Celebrities have joined the #PayUp group chat. (cc @kyliejenner, @kendalljenner, @diddy, @iamcardib) ⠀ In this pandemic, we do not need feel-good philanthropy from Kendall and Kylie Jenner, P. Diddy, and Cardi B. What we need, instead, is good business practices !!! ⠀ Kendall + Kylie, is owned by Global Brands Group, who refused to pay its garment suppliers for orders produced in February and March following a drop in sales caused by the coronavirus pandemic. “Given the unpredictability of the situation, our retail partners have cancelled orders, and existing inventory and product in production may have no sell-through. Consequently, we have no choice but to make the difficult decision to cancel all S/S 2020 orders from all suppliers (without liability),” wrote Rick Darling, CEO of Global Brands Group in a letter dated March 21, 2020. ⠀ However, the fact of the matter is that Global Brands Group does have a choice — it’s just choosing not to implement it. ⠀ Kylie and Kendall aren’t the only celebrity culprits allowed to distance themselves from this devastating truth. Also owned by Global Brands Group? ⠀ P. Diddy’s Sean Jean line. The irony here is difficult to overlook. Recently, P.Diddy launched #OurFairShare, a platform to help minority entrepreneurs access funds in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is admirable. ⠀ But we talked to an entrepreneur in Bangladesh, Mostafiz Uddin, of Denim Experts, who runs a sustainable denim factory. Global Brands Group owes him hundreds of thousands of dollars for products his workers made + shipped in February. ⠀ In April, he pleaded w/ Global Brands Group, “Here my workers are hungry, they are being agitated, they are very angry. I have promised them to pay wages. So please please make my payment.” We would hope that P.Diddy, who cares about #COVID19’s disproportionate impact on Black + Brown people, would ensure that his line does the same. Seems only fair.

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A Diet Prada is átvette a szóbeszédet, majd később törölte az ominózus posztot. Június 24-én került le végleg a lányok logója a GBG oldaláról, teszi hozzá a Toofab.

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