Túl gyengének nézték, aztán mentősből tűzoltó lett ez a kétgyerekes nő!

Rettenthetetlen lánglovagok közt teljesít ez a kemény csaj.

Presley Pritchardot annak idején megmosolyogták és eltanácsolták, amikor tűzoltónak jelentkezett. Ám a lány nem adta fel – beköltözött az edzőterembe, és alaposan kigyúrta magát. Jelenleg 66 ezer Instás követője csodálja a tüzes teremtést. 

A montanai Kalispellben él, és sokan alig hiszik el róla, hogy lángok közt száguldozik:

Pedig már a suliban is imádtam focizni, de gyakran kihagytak, mert nem fiúnak születtem. Most mindenki láthatja, hogy testes férfiakat húzok ki a lángok közül.

Payton nevű gyermekét 18 évesen szülte, majd két nappal később már vissza is tért az iskolapadba. Két héttel később pedig le is diplomázott. 

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UNIFORMED TRANSFORMATION POST: looking over at that other girl like bissssh 👀 who are you - On the left I was a pretty new paramedic still, I didn’t make it a priority to meal prep for shifts or hit the gym when I got off & as you can see, I can’t even fill out an XS shirt or my size 0 work pants. - Fast forward a few years to the right. I now: 👩🏻🚒 Meal prep for shifts: breakfast, lunch, & dinner 👩🏻🚒 Pre-plan my entire week & schedule rest days and workout days 👩🏻🚒 Carry snacks like protein bars, nuts, bananas, yogurt, jerky, rice cakes, etc with me 👩🏻🚒 Carry a large water bottle to make sure I’m still drinking water all day & hydrating 👩🏻🚒 Tote my @1upnutrition supplements with me to work so I’m still getting greens, protein, BCAAs, etc even when I don’t have time to eat 👩🏻🚒 Going to bed earlier and getting quality sleep 👩🏻🚒 Focusing on heavy lifts and proper form while implementing progressive overload - 💕 Hope this helps someone out there. I know what it’s like to be called “too weak, too thin, too small, not good enough, and not strong enough.” Anything is capable, you just have to implement the right tools, discipline, & patience. . . . . . #paramedic #transformation #monday #firefighter #firefighterfitness #fitfirefighter #womeninuniform #weightgain #glowup #fitnessjourney #gainingweightiscool #notyourtypical #nineline #discipline #integrity #firedept #consistency #fitfam #femalefirefighter #thinredline #strongaf #strongnotskinny

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Második lánya világra hozatala után kezdett el erősen gyúrni, és indította be Instagramját. A kétgyerekes anyává lett hölgyet csak felvették a férfias pozícióra: most ő cipeli ki meglett kollégáit égő házakból, ha úgy adódik.

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Where God guides, He provides. - ✨ I’m just in awe thinking about the past year; the good, the bad, the triumphs.. and the losses. By far my biggest lesson this year has been, “Don’t stress yourself out.” Things will fall into place. Hold on and keep the faith. Don’t allow yourself to become disheartened by the people that seem to keep moving ahead while you feel the most stagnant. There’s always going to be someone better, prettier, smarter, and stronger. Someone who gets the job you wanted or the spot on the team. You may just have to work a littler harder and a little longer than others. - Don’t use your energy to worry, use your energy to believe God has everything worked out. . . . . . #paramedic #firefighterfit #toughest #firefighter #firefighterfitness #fitfirefighter #womeninuniform #engine #thinredline #ladderco #firefighterlife #engineco #onshift #onduty #firefighterwomen #firedepartment #god #firefighterbrotherhood #femalefirefighter #thinredlinefamily #ninelineapparel #nineline

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19 évesen, rohammentősként kezdett dolgozni, így az egészséges életmód és a fittség régóta a szívügye volt.

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🤯 Swipe to see my body transformation Current photo after training versus 👉🏼 before weight training - I used to love cardio. A typical workout for me included a 3-6 mile run a day, soccer, or 30-45 minutes on the stair stepper. That was it. - Here’s my top tips for how I transformed my body: 1️⃣ EAT: you need to consume more than you burn, aka “eat in a surplus.” I did gain fat with this but it also packed on muscle. 2️⃣ Limit Cardio: I suffered from postpartum hyperthyroidism (meaning my metabolism is HIGHLY ACTIVE) I had to eat way more AND limit cardio. I still did 2-3 sessions of LISS a week to maintain cardiovascular health 3️⃣ Progressive Overload: you’ll never get anywhere when your body gets used to the same reps, sets, exercises, and weight ever week. 4️⃣ Compound movements: I started doing squats, deadlifts, bench, lunges, etc. I typically picked 2-3 per workout followed by isolation movements. 5️⃣ Target muscle groups: when I wanted to grow my legs and glutes, I added an extra day or two dedicated to it a week. I was performing 3 leg days a week at one point (not anymore) - Building muscle takes time and consistency. It took me years to build this physique and I’m still in the making. Stay patient, be diligent. The medal is not given to the swift or the strong, but the one who persist long-term! 📷 P.C. @jmkphotomt . . . . . #paramedic #getfit #workout #firefighter #firefighterfitness #fitnessmodel #gainingweightiscool #weightgain #thinredline #911 #firefighterlife #bodytransformation #fitnessjourney #instafit #firefighterwomen #firedepartment #tbt #thursday #femalefirefighter #militarywomen #healthyliving #exercise

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Bírálták, mikor a „kis csinoska” kérvényezte, hadd lehessen tűzoltó.

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Firefighter Functional Fitness? 🚒 SWIPE. - Ceiling breach & pull- You must be able to push the tip of a pike pole into a 60-lb weighted portion of the ceiling 3x then pull an 80-lb portion 5x. - This is obviously hard because of endurance & the time factor plus fatigue of the shoulders, traps, and upper body (my shoulders BURN) - 1️⃣ I think I made this up (never seen it before at least 😂). But I found rotating a long lat bar on the lower cable and using the resistance to extend the bar and lower it back down was pretty damn close to the actual thing. Notice how one foot is a little in front of the other for balance and strength. 2️⃣ Legs are typically stronger, utilize the legs to give you that little bounce. I performed a squat with a bounce and press and found it pretty effective. - Superset these with a minute on the stair mill at 80-120 steps/min and you’ve got yourself a good CPAT prep! Repeat 10x . . . . . #firefighter_feuerwehr #firefighters #firefightersgym #firefighter_brotherhood #firefighterfitness #firefighterworkout #firefighterposts #firefighterlove #thinredline #firefighterfit #firefighterlife #firefighterfamily #firefightergirl #firetraining #firefightertraining #firefighterfunctionalfitness #fitfirefighter #firefightergirls #femalefirefighter #firefighterwomen #cpattraining #cpat

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Gyarapította testtömegét, és szálkásította izmait, míg végül elérte áhított célját.

Rengeteg lány írja nekem, hogy belőlük sem néznek ki hasonló teljesítményt, mert kis cukinak tartják őket. Van, aki tanácsot is kér, hogyan erősödhetne meg. Kevés a nő az állományban, de most már mindenki tudja, hogy nincs lehetetlen!

Ok nélkül, pusztán élvezetből nem rak ki magamutogató képet a testéről: mindig megindokolja, mit miért posztol. Pozitív üzenetet csatol fotóihoz, melyek sok nőtársának segítenek lépést tartani a srácokkal, idézi a Metro.co.uk.

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