2020.04.11. Italiano
Orvosi köpenyre váltott Bhasha Mukherjee, alias Miss Anglia, aki 2019-ben nyerte meg a Miss World előválogatóját, és lett szépségirálynő.
A brit szépségkirálynő visszaállt orvosnak, hogy a járvány ellen küzdjön.
Bhasha Mukherjee szerint képmutatás volna úgy jótékonykodni a nagyvilágban, hogy közben orvosként nem segít a járvány miatt túlterhelt kórházak működtetésében. Ezért
A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon
This baby girl is 3 months old. She was abandoned on the road side. Aren't we just greedy for the wrong things while others are fighting for a right to LIVE let alone quality of life. At a time like now, a tiny , microscopic non-intelligent life form has set the world on fire reminding us all how powerless we really are. Money , fame ,power all bow to the crowned-virus. To the parents of this girl child , and the many others I met at this abandoned girls home , your daughter that you discarded is growing up healthy. Getting an education. Love. Acceptance. Your daughter who you , thinking you are beyond the wishes of the Supreme, wanted to end the life of , has been favoured by the Supreme and granted another chance at life. To the parents and society that thought, such a heinous crime would go unpunished because a baby is powerless, they can't file a complaint at the police, or physically retaliate, Your daughter who you thought was worthless to the world, may grow up to become a doctor . What if that worthless tiny creature, gains the power to hold your old ,feeble life in her hands? What then ? What Corona has taught us , is a lesson nature has repeated time and time again. Power recycles. No creature , however powerful , has the reigns in their hands indefinitely. In fact , if nature is to be witness, then it's every time the most powerful of creatures that are destroyed first in every world catastrophe. Let's right our wrongs. If you sitting at home have ever exploited your power , and hurt someone, your house help even , it's not too late to say sorry.
Dr Bhasha Mukherjee (@bhasha05) által megosztott bejegyzés, Ápr 9., 2020, időpont: 12:35 (PDT időzóna szerint)
jelentkezett volt kórházánál, hogy újra munkába álljon.
szépségkirálynő jelenleg junior orvos és a CNN-nek azt mondta: ez volt a helyes döntés.